Painted Wolf
Painted Wolf
Backlit wild  dog
Backlit wild dog
Cape tortoise
Cape tortoise
Hippo and calf in the evening light
Hippo and calf in the evening light
hippo and young calf entering the Chobe river
hippo and young calf entering the Chobe river
Cold baboon warming himself on a warm rock at the end of the day
Cold baboon warming himself on a warm rock at the end of the day
Buffalos crossing the Chobe river
Buffalos crossing the Chobe river
Buffalo crossing
Buffalo crossing

A herd of buffalos caught between lion on one side of the river and crocodiles in the water hesitate on a sand bank before proceeding to a safe island. Sadly one didn’t make it

Painted Wolf portrait
Painted Wolf portrait

Painted wolf, African wild dog

Cape Buffalo in the water
Cape Buffalo in the water
hyena on the move
hyena on the move

Slow exposure of a hyena in the grass

Hi key hippos
Hi key hippos

High Key image of a pod of hippos

Rhinos at sunset
Rhinos at sunset
_MG_3439 (1).jpg
Painted Wolf
Backlit wild  dog
Cape tortoise
Hippo and calf in the evening light
hippo and young calf entering the Chobe river
Cold baboon warming himself on a warm rock at the end of the day
Buffalos crossing the Chobe river
Buffalo crossing
Painted Wolf portrait
Cape Buffalo in the water
hyena on the move
Hi key hippos
Rhinos at sunset
_MG_3439 (1).jpg
Painted Wolf
Backlit wild dog
Cape tortoise
Hippo and calf in the evening light
hippo and young calf entering the Chobe river
Cold baboon warming himself on a warm rock at the end of the day
Buffalos crossing the Chobe river
Buffalo crossing

A herd of buffalos caught between lion on one side of the river and crocodiles in the water hesitate on a sand bank before proceeding to a safe island. Sadly one didn’t make it

Painted Wolf portrait

Painted wolf, African wild dog

Cape Buffalo in the water
hyena on the move

Slow exposure of a hyena in the grass

Hi key hippos

High Key image of a pod of hippos

Rhinos at sunset
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